Friday, August 29, 2008

Mission Control, we have a problem...

Gremlins must be playing on this blogsite! I've had problems getting on, then suddenly it pops up?
Hopefully, things will work better later. I'll have to think about that tomorrow. " Tomorrow IS another day ".


Lisa Davis said...

Mary, I had no problem bringing up your blog website address up when I typed it in. It came right up. Its just like typing any other www. website address. I think its all good....

Chris Martin said...

What's sybarite mean?

(This is Christopher.)

Sybarite Sisters said...

Christopher, Sybarite Sisters is a name given to us by my niece's husband, Bill. Several years ago we spent a wonderful week with them in Hermann, MO and they treated us royally with gourmet food and wine. We enjoyed their swimming pool, the wineries, shopping. He called us the Sybarite Sisters. We had to look it up. We liked it and have called ourselves that ever since.
Merriam-Websters definition:
Main Entry: syb·a·rite
Pronunciation: \ˈsi-bə-ˌrīt\
Function: noun
Date: circa 1555
1[from the notorious luxury of the Sybarites] : voluptuary, sensualist
2capitalized : a native or resident of the ancient city of Sybaris
Sybaris was an acient Greek city in the southern part of Italy. The residents were known for their excessive pursuit of pleasure and sensual delights. Woo Hoo!
I guess we might have called ourselves the Voluptuous Sisters.